Conversions of international units English and American - sengpielaudio
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Conversion of units - International units •
English and American units: length, area, volume (liter),
weight (mass), force, pressure, density, and temperature

Length and distance
Volume (Liter)
Weight (Mass)
Pressure = Force / Area

Celsius: Fahrenheit:
Celsius: Kelvin:

More calculations of units:

prefixes| length | area | volume | weight | pressure | temperature | time | energy | power | density | velocity | acceleration | force


When you know multiply by to find
inches 25.4 millimeters
inches 2.54 centimeters
feet 30.48 centimeters
yards 0.9144 meters
miles 1.609344 kilometers
teaspoons 4.93 milliliters
tablespoons 14.79 milliliters
fluid ounces 29.57353 milliliters
cups 0.2365882 liters
pints 0.4731756 liters
quarts 0.9463529 liters
gallons 3.785412 liters
cubic feet 0.02831685 cubic meters
cubic yards 0.7645549 cubic meters
ounces 28.34952313 grams
pounds 0.4535924 kilograms
short tons (2,000 lbs) 0.91 metric tons
square inches 6.4516 square centimeters
square feet 0.09290304 square meters
square yards 0.83612736 square meters
square miles 2.589988103 square kilometers
acres 0.40 hectacres

sion from U.S. customary to metric units

From metric to U.S. Customary units

When you know multiply by to find
millimeters 0.03937 inches
centimeters 0.3937 inches
meters 3.28084 feet
meters 1.0936133 yards
kilometers 0.6213712 miles
milliliters 0.20 teaspoons
milliliters 0.06 tablespoons
milliliters 0.03 fluid ounces
liters 1.0566883 quarts
liters 0.26 gallons
liters 4.23 cups
liters 2.12 pints
cubic meters 35.32 cubic feet
cubic meters 1.35 cubic yards
grams 0.035 ounces
kilograms 2.21 pounds
metric ton (1,000 kg) 1.10 short ton
square centimeters 0.16 square inches
square meters 1.20 square yards
square kilometers 0.39 square miles
hectacres 2.47 acres

Temperature conversion between Celsius and Fahrenheit

°C = (°F - 32) / 1.8

°F = (°C · 1.8) + 32

Condition Fahrenheit Celsius
Boiling point of water 212° 100°
A very hot day 104° 40°
Normal body temperature 98.6° 37°
A warm day 86° 30°
A mild day 68° 20°
A cool day 50° 10°
Freezing point of water 32°
Lowest temperature Gabriel Fahrenheit
could obtain by mixing salt and ice

U.S. Customary system: length

Unit Relation to Other U.S. Customary Units Metric Equivalent
inch 1/12 foot 2.54 centimeters
foot 12 inches or 1/3 yard 0.3048 meter
yard 36 inches or 3 feet 0.9144 meter
rod 16 1/2 feet or 5 1/2 yards 5.0292 meters
furlong 220 yards or 1/8 mile 0.2012 kilometer
mile (statute) 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards 1.6093 kilometers
mile (nautical) 2,025 yards 1.852 kilometers

U.S. Customary system: Volume or capacity (liquid measure)

Unit Relation to Other U.S. Customary Units Metric Equivalent
ounce 1/16 pint 29.574 milliliters
gill 4 ounces 0.1183 liter
pint 16 ounces 0.4732 liter
quart 2 pints or 1/4 gallon 0.9463 liter
gallon 128 ounces or 8 pints 3.7853 liters
barrel A confusing unit of measure  
(wine) 31 1/2 gallons 119.24 liters
(beer) 36 gallons 136.27 liters
(oil) 42 gallons 158.98 liters

U.S. Customary system: Volume or capacity (dry measure)

Unit Relation to Other U.S. Customary Units Metric equivalent
pint 1/2 quart 0.5506 liter
quart 2 pints 1.1012 liters
peck 8 quarts or 1/4 bushel 8.8098 liters
bucket 2 pecks 17.620 liters
bushel 2 buckets or 4 pecks 35.239 liters

U.S. Customary system: weight

Unit Relation to Other U.S. Customary Units Metric equivalent
grain 1/7000 pound 64.79891 milligrams
dram 1/16 ounce 1.7718452 grams
ounce 16 drams 28.349523 grams
pound 16 ounces 453.59237 grams
ton (short) 2,000 pounds 907.18474 kilograms
ton (long) 2,240 pounds 1 016.04691 kilograms

U.S. Customary system: geographic area

Unit Relation to other U.S. customary units Metric equivalent
acre 4 840 square yards 4 046.85642 square meters

Cooking measures

Unit US Relation to other cooking measures Conversion to metric units
drop 1/76 teaspoon 0.064854231 milliliter
teaspoon 76 drops or 1/3 tablespoon 4.92892159 milliliters
tablespoon 3 teaspoons 14.7867648 milliliters
cup 16 tablespoons or 1/2 pint 0.2365882368 liter
pint 2 cups 0.4731764736 liter
quart 4 cups or 2 pints 0.9463529472 liter

British Imperial System: Volume or capacity (liquid measure)

Unit Relation to other
British Imperial Units
Conversion to U.S.
customary units
Conversion to
metric units
pint 1/2 quart 1.201 pints 0.5683 liter
quart 2 pints or 1/4 gallon 1.201 quarts 1.137 liters
gallon 8 pints or 4 quarts 1.201 gallons 4.546 liters

British Imperial System: Volume or capacity (dry measure)

Unit Relation to other
British Imperial Units
Conversion to U.S.
customary units
Conversion to
metric units
peck 1/4 bushel 1.0314 pecks 9.087 liters
bushel 4 pecks 1.0320 bushels 36.369 liters

Apothecary weights

Unit Relation to other
apothecary units
Conversion to U.S.
Customary Units
Conversion to
metric units
grain 160 dram or 1/5760 pound equal to the U.S. Customary grain 64.799 milligrams
dram 60 grains or 1/8 ounce 2.1943 drams 3.8879 grams
ounce 8 drams 1.0971 ounces 31.1035 grams
pound 12 ounces or 96 drams 0.8232 pound 373.242 grams

Units of the International System

The International System abbreviated SI, for Systeme International, the French name for the system,
was adopted in 1960 by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures. An expanded and
modified version of the metric system, International System addresses the needs of modern science
for additional and more accurate units of measurement. The key features of the International System are
decimalization, a system of prefixes, and a standard defined in terms of an invariable physical measure.

Base units

The International System has base units from which all others in the system are derived.
The standards for the base units, except for the kilogram, are defined by unchanging and
reproducible physical occurences. For example, the meter is defined as the distance
traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second. The standard for the kilogram
is a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and
Standards in Sèvres, France.

Unit quantity symbol
meter length m
kilogram mass kg
second time s
ampere electric current A
kelvin temperature K
mole amount of matter mol
candela luminous intensity cd

Supplementary units

The International System uses two supplementary units that are based on abstract
geometrical concepts rather than physical standards.

Unit quantity symbol
radian plane angles rad
steradian solid angles sr

Additional units

Unit quantity symbol
angstrom = 10-10 m length Å
electron-volt = 0.1602 10-19 J energy eV
hectare = 10,000 m2 land area ha
liter = 1.0 dm3 volume or capacity l
standard atmosphere = 101.325 kPa pressure atm

Derived units

Most of the units in the International System are derived units, that is units defined in terms of
base units and supplementary units. Derived units can be divided into two groups: those that
have a special name and symbol, and those that do not

Without names and symbols
Measure of derivation
acceleration m/s2
angular acceleration rad/s2
angular velocity rad/s
density kg/m3
electric field strength V/m
luminance cd/m2
magnetic field strength A/m
velocity m/s

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